Petrochemicals, Gas Chemicals and Chemicals
Delivering Competitive Production Bases that Offer Higher Added Value

JGC has built up extensive experience in the production of a wide range of naphtha-based ethylene, polyolefins, aromatics and other petrochemical products and their derivatives. In addition, with the emergence of large-scale shale gas production in recent years and the increased investment in NGL-base ethane crackers and similar downstream chemical plants, we have taken part in large-scale projects in the Middle East and the United States. In the field of C1 chemistry, in particular with relation to the GTL (Gas To Liquids) process to provide a new method of supplying new-generation natural gas as part of a move toward the greater use of "clean energy," we completed the world's first GTL commercial plant for the Shell company in Malaysia, and in 2012, succeeded in completing the world's largest such facility (140,000 bbl/day) in Qatar for the same company. In addition, we are working together with overseas group companies to strongly support plans by Japanese petrochemical manufacturers to expand overseas.
In Japan, we contribute to the realization of facilities for manufacturing high-value-added products, such as specialty chemicals.
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Responding to the World's Demand for Energy
Creating More Competitive Production Bases that Offer Higher Added Value
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Support that Starts from the Upstream Planning Stage