News Releases 2023
Apr. 03, 2023
Message from the President & COO of JGC HOLDINGS, Tadashi Ishizuka to New Employees
To be the young leaders of our transformation.
Congratulations to all of our new employees on joining the JGC Group.
The world is currently undergoing a paradigm shift in society and industry at an unprecedented pace, with climate change issues, energy security, and the advancement of digital technology, and the business environment surrounding the JGC Group is changing dramatically.
In a drastically changing business environment, the JGC Group, whose purpose is "Enhancing planetary health," is taking on the challenge of transforming itself into a corporate group that is involved in a wider range of business areas than ever before, not only in the oil and gas field but also in the sustainability field, where necessity will greatly increase for the world to achieve a sustainable society in the future.
I hope that the new employees will not remain confined within their narrow shells, but rather will broaden the wings of their own potential with a broad perspective and fully demonstrate their abilities as young leaders of the transformation that will enable the JGC Group to achieve sustainable growth